Frequently Asked Questions
How can I place an order?
You can place an order by calling Shelly at 404-772-1843, via the website, or email
Where are you located?
Cake Flare is a licensed home-based bakery located in Jonesboro, GA. We are Serv-Safe certified and a family run business.
How far in advance will I need to place an order?
Orders should be typically be placed 2 weeks or more in advance to allow for proper ordering of supplies and to secure your place.
What are your prices?
All of our cakes are custom made to order. Although pricing is somewhat standard, design, layout, and the level of difficulty is factored when pricing our cakes. A standard 8” inch cake starts at $65 and up. Tiered cakes start at $150 and up.
What flavor cakes do you offer?
We offer vanilla, chocolate, white, red velvet, key lime, lemon, carrot, and marble. Additional flavors may be available upon request.
Do you offer delivery?
When available our delivery charges start at $30 and up. We will deliver in the metro Atlanta area.